Thursday, June 12, 2008

sophisticated + whimsical

For every piece of printed project I work on, I always start of by thinking up and deciding on the colour(s) that I'll use in the design. While others have prettily-layered inspiration boards gracing their shelves or desk in their workspace, I choose the easier (read: less resourceful ;-)) option. I create a simple barcode of coloured stripes and play around with some few combinations until I find the one I'm most happy with for the current project in hand.


This is the current project I'm working on and this below, are the colours I'll be using throughout the design process of the project. While this time last year I was busying myself designing things for Big Z's pyjama party (4th birthday), this time round, it's someone else's birthday party I'm planning and designing for. More on the party details nearing the date. Meanwhile, here's a sneak-peek of it through these colours then.


Connie De Alwis said...

Here to say hi!!

mrika said...

connie : eh, helloooo ... :-) thx for dropping by, yea. singgah2 la lagi, k. was nice meeting you yesterday.