Monday, April 27, 2009

invites to go

some invites i made a while back.

i sell these in sets of 10 invites.
those interested (for the next party you're hosting, or as your next gift purchase), drop me an email. :-)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

palette : ladybugs

i'm in the midst of planning + preparing a party. another little girl is turning one soon. we're going with a ladybugs theme. instead of sticking to the typical black + red + white theme, i'm putting my playful hat on and suggesting a more feminine and possibly more contemporary colour palette.

below are the 3 themes i've come up with. i already have my favourite, but for blog-tertainment (my word for the day ... hah!) purposes (read: just for fun), i thought i'd throw the options to my lovely readers. leave a comment or two and state your preferred choice among these three.

on that note, happy weekend!

:: something traditional - cotton candy ::

:: something modern - coffee club culture ::

:: something whimsical - fairy flights ::